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Start as we mean to go on - Julia's post

Good morning, once again more start as we mean to go on posts.

I love new year; I see it as a real opportunity to take everything from the previous year that I felt I could have done better and use it as a driving force to work on the following year. It’s like leaving behind any bad and carrying on with only the good.
This year I felt all over the place and for the first year ever didn’t set any goals. As a result, I’ve started January completely demotivated and am having far too many jammie days!
So I decided to order a planner and organiser. As a result, I’ve set small goals each day to start to push myself again. I’ve also forced myself out the door every day which I’m sure you’ll all agree makes a huge difference even when you have to wear ice skates to get out to clear my head 😂
I've recently started the book untamed after reading about how it encourages you to trust yourself and stop putting pressure on ourselves and start trusting the voice deep within. I’ve always been an incredibly positive person but I’m hoping this book will encourage me to stop comparing myself to others, both in business and personally and encourage self-appreciation.
The one thing that always works is a work plan for me and setting 5 or 6 goals for the year for the salon. I’m hoping this year will allow us to get back open fully so we can achieve these goals.
What last year has taught me is you can’t, however, plan everything and sometimes you have to just go with the flow. I now try to live life like Ollie and realise that sometimes you just have to jump in muddy puddles and let loose!
It’s also just reiterated for me how lucky I am to have health, love, laughter and a great bunch of people in my life and how much I have to look forward to and appreciate.

I’ll try and remember to listen to the quote printed on my treatment room -Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer= Jules slow down and go and jump in puddles.
